by joshuarivers | Apr 10, 2015 | Success, Uncategorized
I while back, I asked some people on Facebook what their definition of success was. I share those answers in this video: Holly Hrywnak: Doing what you were made to do. Matthew D. Ham: John Maxwell said: “Success is having those that know you the best respect you...
by joshuarivers | Jan 31, 2013 | Leadership
In my previous post, I mentioned the value of receiving buy-in from those you lead. Buy-in is essential for any team to be successful – whether it is at work or at home. I also shared the buy-in I’m receiving from my wife regarding my business startup. I shared...
by joshuarivers | Jan 29, 2013 | Leadership
Every successful leader needs buy-in from their team. This is true whether you are talking about an office or a factory; a restaurant or a retail store; in a business or at home. Buy-in is not just passive acceptance of a change. It is actively supporting the decision...