by joshuarivers | Jun 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
I asked people a while ago about something that helps them to have a better quality of life. Several people answered that reading blogs, listening to podcasts, and writing were some things that helped to improve their quality of life. I agree with this, so I’ll...
by joshuarivers | Jun 25, 2013 | EntreLeadership, Family, Leadership, Podcast Questions
This Friday (June 28, 2013), I have the opportunity to interview the awesome Jon Acuff. He works as a speak on Dave Ramsey’s team and has written several books, including Quitter and Start. (highly recommend both!) I was able to meet him at the EntreLeadership...
by joshuarivers | Jun 24, 2013 | Dedication, Focus, Goals, Intentionality, Personal Growth
Fighting procrastination and managing time are two things that I’m working on. I talked about this in episode #012 of the podcast (Procrastination: Why You Do It). I also mentioned these topics in several other posts. There are three specific things that I have...
by joshuarivers | Jun 21, 2013 | Personal Growth
Do you ever feel like you need to have a little bit of peace and quiet? Does the world around you seem to get louder and louder? If you have kids, then the answer is an obvious, “yes.” Is is possible to get too quiet? Check out this video about the...
by joshuarivers | Jun 19, 2013 | Uncategorized
This is part 2 of my discussion with Mark Sieverkropp. If you missed the first part, you can listen to it here. Mark Sieverkropp also joined me on episode 3 when we talked about purpose. You can find him on his website, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. Apps to use:...