by joshuarivers | Dec 7, 2013 | Family, Flashback Friday
I think I will always enjoy and remember the fun that my mom created for us leading up to Christmas. My mom would wrap the presents nicely and place them under the tree. But she wouldn’t write the names on them. It was a mystery. How could we tell whose presents...
by joshuarivers | Dec 24, 2012 | Misc.
Christmas time is a time to meet with family and friends. Many you may not have seen for a year or more. It’s a time to reflect on memories. We all have memories and traditions we grew up with. Many traditions are similar between families. Getting trees or...
by joshuarivers | Dec 13, 2012 | Leadership, Personal Growth
The Christmas season is a season of giving. It’s a time when people tend to think a little more about others, pay attention to their needs, and give a little extra. Of course, this stems from our ultimate example in Jesus, Who gave His life for us. This is also the...