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January Checkpoint – 2013 Goals

Yea! One month down – eleven to go! Here is a list of the ongoing goals and the goals for January. I have included a short description to show my progress at the end of this month. I’m planning on posting this each month to show how I’m progressing on my goals....

Unlocking the Door of Opportunity

I have three words that I’ve started focusing on for 2013: opportunity, intentionality, and dedication. One obstacle with opportunity is simply to see the opportunities that come our way. We so easily overlook them because we get so busy with our current...

Mid-January Goals – Progress Report

This is the set of goals I’m working on for January. I posted my overall goals for 2013 back in December. Last week, I went through my goals and broke them up into two categories. I had several goals that were ongoing goals – things that were either daily/weekly goals...