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All the different social media networks that are out there can be complex. There’s Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pintrest, and dozens of others. Is there a way to simplify it all?

That’s where Erik J. Fisher steps in. He specializes in social media for a living. He holds a regular spot doing a social media segment on the Podcast Answer Man show. He also has his own podcast, Beyond the To Do List. You can also find Erik on Facebook and Twitter.

Here’s some of the questions we cover:

  • How can social media improve your life? (how can it improve the quality, the simplicity, etc.)
  • What are some differences between the different social media options?
  • What is the best one to use or to start with?
  • With everything that is available, how can we simplify how we use social media?

Question: Do you have any tips about simplifying social media?