During the past several years, I have chosen different words to help me focus on my goals and personal growth.
In 2013, I chose three words: Dedication, Opportunity, and Intentionality
Last year, I chose a three-word phrase: Sharpen Your Ax. The thought behind this was to not focus on starting new things, but to focus on the skills I already had and improve my skills in those areas.
This year, I have narrowed it down to one word.
What does that mean?
A single word can mean different things to different people. For me, the word ‘better’ signifies that I want to be better:
- Christian
- Husband
- Dad
- Leader
- Skills
- Character
I know this is a broad use of the word, but there is a key to help me focus.
Less but better.
I have recently listened to the audio version of the book “Essentialism” by Greg McKoewn. One of the overarching thoughts is “less but better.”
Too many people feel that they have to do more to have better results. But this is rarely true.
Usually, the more you do, the less quality each thing is.
I’m going to be working on doing fewer things, but doing better with the things I do work on. This is a transition year because of commitments I’ve already made.
One thing that should be completed this year is my college degree. I’ve been working on an Associate Degree in Computer Science (web design and development emphasis). I’m taking two classes this semester, and then I’ll have 3 classes. I should have these done this year!
Physical clutter can affect your mental activity as well. My wife and I got rid of a lot of things in 2014, and I plan to get rid of more this year.
I can look in each room in our house and see clutter. There are things that we don’t use, but we’ve held onto for a long time. There is paper that is on different surfaces that we need to either file or throw away.
We have things that are seasonal but haven’t taken the time to store in the attic.
My desk and office storage containers are cluttered and unorganized.
My kids have a storage area for their toys and books – but it is a mess! And they don’t play with half of them!
I plan to work on organizing all of it, getting rid of clutter as I go.
I am not a minimalist, but I’m getting pretty close.
Better is a great focus word. One of the best teams I ever had used the phrase “leave it better than you found it” to guide our work, and it served us well.
I still choose three words and mine for 2015 are Nourish, Pause and Practice. I’m already seeing benefits and improvements in my choices and thought processes, and love how having these words stabilizes me.
Look forward to hearing how “Better” plays out for you this year.