My wife and I were introduced to Dave Ramsey early in 2004. Well, we never “met” him (yet). There was a great couple that was gazelle intense about becoming debt-free. They shared tgeir story with us and let us borrow Financial Peace Revisited.

I’m going to share the same gift here. I will be giving away a free copy of Financial Peace Revisited to a lucky person. See the details at the end if the post.

My Story:

My wife has been the financially wise one in our marriage. I was TERRIBLE with money before we got married (then it downgraded to “terrible” without being capitalized). There was a few months that I wasn’t stupid enough to pay one credit card with another. I was worse. I would take the credit card to the ATM, withdraw some money, go to the bank, deposit the money I just took from the credit card, then wrote a check to the credit card company! (Did I mention that I was TERRIBLE with money?)

After I married my wife, she helped me to get better with our money (shared responsibility). After that aforementioned couple shared Dave with us, we spent time reading through the book. I’m not much of a dog-person, so the “Peace Puppies” kind of scared me. But then we read the word “budget” – and it kept showing up.

We started making changes. We had little debt (my stupid credit card and her car loan). We didn’t understand the whole process, and kind of mixed in some of our own ideas (well, mostly hers, because mine involved more spending and hers was more saving).

Throughout the years, we were not gazelle intense, and went up and down a few times. We hit a few hard times with school and medical bills – totaling about $6,000 in a year or two. Some of it was placed on credit cards (stupid). We recovered and paid that off as well as two car loans (another $20,000) in a couple years.

We started to forget about Dave’s plan. We had another small slip into debt (well, $3,000 on a credit card). Then I started listening to Dave on the radio, and started to get fired up again. I got my wife on board (I was starting to drive it, but she is still better with money), and we purchased “The Total Money Makeover” with some accessories. In less than six months, we were debt-free again.

I have the tendency to learn things the hard way (if you couldn’t tell). But when I finally get something, I get it.

Your Story: What is your story? Have you followed Dave’s plan? What struggles did you have? Are you debt-free now?

In order to qualify for the book give-away:

  1. Comment below by answering the question above.
  2. Fill out this simple form.
  3. Share this with your friends: “I entered for a chance to win a copy of Financial Peace! via @JoshuaWRivers”

I will be doing the drawing on Friday, October 19. The winner will then be notified by e-mail and announced on Twitter.

Also! There will be an additional give-away next week with two other Dave Ramsey books (one person wins both!). But this will be only available to my subscribers. An e-mail with details will be sent next Wednesday.