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20120905-180301.jpgI am reviewing my posts and stats from 2012. I would like to write more about what you are looking for. I can look at which posts got the most traffic and how many comments I got, but I’d like to know if there is anything specific you would like to see. Maybe you just have some topics or categories. I would love to get your feedback.

While you’re thinking, here’s a list of some of the most popular posts:

  1. Facing Your Giants
  2. What is Grace?
  3. Be a Neighbor
  4. 2013 Goals
  5. Web Design Services
  6. E-book: Project Victory (Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
  7. My Top Podcasts
  8. How I Was Introduced to Dave Ramsey
  9. How to Have a Wonderful Life
  10. Top 10 Blogs to Follow

My main categories are leadership, education, and personal growth.