I truly hope that you have enjoyed the content that you have gotten, both from the blog and the podcast. There are a couple things you can do to help support the show.
First, the free ways:
Everyone likes free stuff. To support the show by free, help to share the show! There’s a couple easy ways:
- Leave a rating and written review in iTunes. This helps the show to be more visible to others and helps the ranking there.
- Share on social media. My primary way is twitter, but you can use your favorite. Here’s a easy way to tweet this: [Tweet “I love this content about simplifying ways to have a better quality of life!”]
- Old-fashioned word-of-mouth. It still works, especially if you hijack their phone and subscribe to QLMS for them. (That last part may or may not be a joke. Borrowed from Mark Sieverkropp.)
Other ways to support:
To be honest, this blog and podcast costs money to keep up. I pay for website hosting, domain names, equipment, software, and giveaways. There are also other project based things that may cost a little.
I have several affiliate relationships, so I will get a small portion if you purchase through any of them. As far as I have seen, it doesn’t cost you any more to use them, it just helps me to get a little something. I have several of the affiliates in the footer of each page on this website, plus I have a page dedicated to recommended resources. Or you could simply just use my Amazon affiliate (this link takes you to my book, but anything else you buy after using the link qualifies).
If you are able to help with these, I would be deeply grateful!