by joshuarivers | Jul 27, 2013 | Personal Growth
I wrote an earlier post about joy. I shared that I started saying “Good morning,” no matter what time of day it was. I was able to connect that practice to the verse in Psalms that tells us that “joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) You can...
by joshuarivers | Jul 23, 2013 | Personal Growth
Good morning! I have worked third shift (AKA, the Graveyard shift) for many years. In fact, I did this for most of my life as an adult. If you have ever worked that shift for any period of time, you understand how you can lose track of day and time. Everything tends...
by joshuarivers | Jul 16, 2013 | EntreLeadership, Leadership, Personal Growth
Several months ago I read “The Fred Factor” by Mark Sanborn. It was a great inspiration based on his mailman, Fred. Fred had gone above and beyond the normal call of duty. Instead of simply putting mail into the mailbox, he would watch the homes of those...
by joshuarivers | Jul 9, 2013 | Leadership, Personal Growth
Kent Sanders has written a manifesto for artists: “Yesterday, Today, Forever: an artist’s manifesto.” Kent was a guest on episode 9 of the podcast (sharing some things about Evernote), and has been mentioned several times since. An artist is more...
by joshuarivers | Jun 24, 2013 | Dedication, Focus, Goals, Intentionality, Personal Growth
Fighting procrastination and managing time are two things that I’m working on. I talked about this in episode #012 of the podcast (Procrastination: Why You Do It). I also mentioned these topics in several other posts. There are three specific things that I have...
by joshuarivers | Jun 21, 2013 | Personal Growth
Do you ever feel like you need to have a little bit of peace and quiet? Does the world around you seem to get louder and louder? If you have kids, then the answer is an obvious, “yes.” Is is possible to get too quiet? Check out this video about the...