4.19: Jessica Abel on Narrative Podcasting

Today’s guest is Jessica Abel, author of the book Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio and the Out on the Wire Podcast. Reasons to do a narrative style podcast Jessica suggests doing a narrative podcast because narrative journalism is...

Sammy at Church Camp

Introduction “It’s time to go to camp!” thought Sammy as he got in his seat of the bus. Sammy was waiting two whole minutes until it was time to go. Long wait! As they were driving, Sammy thought about all the things he would do at camp. “Maybe I’ll have lots of...

What is Success? [video]

I while back, I asked some people on Facebook what their definition of success was. I share those answers in this video: Holly Hrywnak: Doing what you were made to do. Matthew D. Ham: John Maxwell said: “Success is having those that know you the best respect you...