by joshuarivers | Jan 8, 2014 | Book, Opportunity, Personal Growth
Today, I’m visiting and guest posting on Jon Stolpe’s blogĀ . He has been a great follower of this blog and podcast, and I appreciate his insights. Here’s a short introduction to the post there: The Bible is full of examples of people that grew...
by joshuarivers | Dec 29, 2013 | Book, Personal Growth
In case you haven’t gotten your copy of Leave Nothing Undone, here’s a short video to promo it: Please share this in your social circles and help spread the word!
by joshuarivers | Dec 2, 2013 | Opportunity, Personal Growth
During December, I’m going to be doing several book giveaways! Two books will be given to the top commentators for the month (well, until December 20). Another book will be given randomly to someone on my newsletter list. Here’s a list of the books: The...
by joshuarivers | Nov 6, 2013 | Personal Growth
Growing up, I never liked fundraisers. I was very shy and introverted. Not only did I not like talking to people, I was deathly afraid. I’m not talking about doing a class presentation – I talking about a group of two or three. The majority of the...
by joshuarivers | Oct 24, 2013 | Communication, Personal Growth
It’s easy to focus on our weaknesses. From an early age, we are constantly reminded about our short-comings and the things that we need to improve. When you get an “A” in school, time just passes by. But, if you get a “D,” then the world...
by joshuarivers | Sep 13, 2013 | Dedication, Focus, Intentionality, Personal Growth
In a previous post, I talked about habits and how to change them. This post continues that same thought. Here, I’m sharing some helpful quotes from Stephen Covey’s book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” If you would like to get this book,...