by joshuarivers | Mar 14, 2013 | Family, Leadership, Personal Growth, QBQ
This is QBQ! Week. Check out the other resources as well: Book Review: Parenting the QBQ Way John Miller Interview (book giveaway here!) Fear is one reason people don’t take accountability for themselves: Fear of failure Fear of hurting their ego or pride Fear...
by joshuarivers | Mar 11, 2013 | Personal Growth, QBQ
I wish there was a handbook when I became a parent 6 1/2 years ago. Unfortunately, there is not. The babies don’t come out with an instruction manual (I guess guys wouldn’t read it anyway). There’s no Haynes repair manual to help when the diaper...
by joshuarivers | Mar 7, 2013 | Family, Misc., Personal Growth
Today, my wife and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary! This is a great milestone. Would you like to know my secret for a sucessful marriage? I used a long-lasting love potion on my wife, making her think that she loves me. Not really, but I don’t...
by joshuarivers | Mar 4, 2013 | Goals, Leadership, Personal Growth
February was great in some areas, and a down in others. I allowed myself to get busy and off-track a little, but I hope to recover in March. The following is just a quick synopsis. Ongoing Goals 1) Read through Bible this year Dropped the ball a few days, but staying...
by joshuarivers | Mar 1, 2013 | Leadership, Personal Growth, Podcast Questions
I will have the privilege of interviewing John Miller on Monday. If you don’t know who he is, he is the author of QBQ, a book that focuses on personal accountability. His recent book is Parenting the QBQ Way – an awesome book that takes the QBQ principles...
by joshuarivers | Feb 28, 2013 | Leadership, Personal Growth
I will be having an interview with Dave Stachowiak next week. He is the host if the Coaching For Leaders podcast. I’ve been listening to his show for over a year now, and would suggest it for anyone in a leadership role at work, church, or home. In out...