Starting in two weeks (Dec. 6, 2013), I’m going to start Flashback Fridays.
What is Flashback Fridays?
I’m glad you asked. I’m going to dig into the deep recesses of my memory and share something from my past. Hence “flashback.” And this will be on Fridays. Name explained.
Sometimes, I may just share stories. Sometimes, there may be some lesson learned or moral of the story.
Just as a glimpse into what may be coming (I have not planned out specific posts yet), when I was a kid I used to eat a lot. I say “used to,” but I guess it’s still true today. The difference, though, is that I was one of those that could eat and eat but never gain weight (I miss those days). I’m not sure where the food went, but it seemed to disappear after I swallowed – because I would rarely feel full.
At Thanksgiving, we would go to my grandma’s house. I was the oldest grandchild, so I had special privileges. I would always get one of the turkey legs – I prefer the dark meat over the white meat. I don’t know if anyone was ever jealous of my turkey leg, but I didn’t care back then.
Now, I don’t get to go to my grandma’s for Thanksgiving. And I don’t get the turkey leg as often.
But I’m still thankful.
This may be a scary request, but is there anything that you would like me to share? Do you have any questions?