I mentioned that I was going to start a Facebook group to compliment this blog and podcast.
One of the first things I’m going to be sharing there is the 28-day challenge I’m doing.
As a disclaimer, I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice; this is just me sharing what I’m doing and offering for you to consider this same thing. You should contact your doctor about any diet and exercise program you are considering.
I’ll be posting a PDF next week of the exercising challenge I’m going to try. That’s all that I’ll be sharing on the blog – everything else is going to be on the Facebook group. When the challenge starts, I’ll post what exercises are for that day in case there is someone that wants to follow along.
The Facebook group will go beyond the exercise challenge. It’ll be a place to share resources and links to help each other with personal growth. It can help to add accountability.
If you’re interested in joining, just go to the group and ask to join. As soon as I can, I’ll add you. (I am keeping this a closed group to better control spammers.)