I while back, I asked some people on Facebook what their definition of success was. I share those answers in this video:
Holly Hrywnak: Doing what you were made to do.
Matthew D. Ham: John Maxwell said: “Success is having those that know you the best respect you the most.”
Nicole Benjamin Success to me is never having to “work” a day in your life. And the ability to find and do whatever makes your heart happy.
Tara Hedman: When Who I am internally matches what I present externally.
Eric Lawrence: The tag line of my blog is “No one can define success but he who seeks it”. Success means different things to different people. I like Maxwell’s definition but… That’s HIS definition. I could have all the respect in the world from people who know me well but fall short on every other goal that I’ve determined to accomplish.
Jeff Reed: The achievement of the goal.
Julie D Lindgren: Choice. Freedom. Opportunity.
Avery Williams: I’m with Eric Lawrence on this one!
Jason Lehr: Waking up in the morning without any shred of dread. So success, for me, is a day to day goal, not a destination.
Paul Evans: For me personally I haven’t found one better than Earl Nightingale’s “The progressive realization of a worth ideal.”
Tanya Stewart: My definition has changed drastically for me- I went from thinking it was all attached to material things and accomplishments to knowing it is about living with Divine purpose and inspiration .I have been amazed at the passion I am filled with now and the freedom I have gained with this paradigm shift.
Mark Sieverkropp: Progressing towards my goals, living my faith and being in control of my schedule
Laura Johnson: Overcoming and contentment
Jon Henry: In our culture, success seems to be more of an emotion than an actual achievement. There’s a difference between accomplishing something, and feeling like you accomplished something.