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I’m sure that most, if not all, of you have heard about the tornadoes that ripped through Oklahoma and other places on May 19-20. I read reports that the tornado on May 20 that went through Moore, OK, was between 1-2 miles wide. It’s wind gusts were near 200 mph at times. It ranks among the worst tornadoes ever.

If you are wanting to help give toward the relief effortthe Red Cross is a great way to do that.

Hearing different stories and reflecting on the events has caused me to think about the things that are most important to me. Yes, there are many other disasters that can cause you to think about these, but this one (literally) hit close to home.

  • Don’t put too much emotion into “stuff”
  • Things can be replaced; people can’t
  • Relationships are much more the most important
  • Relationship with God can’t be replaced

 Question: What is important to you?