There are a TON of resources for podcasters to help them take their podcast to the next level. I’m going to be listing just a few of them here.


To start off, here are some of the podcasts about podcasting I listen to regularly:

  1. School of Podcasting
  2. The Audacity to Podcast
  3. Podcast Answer Man
  4. Ask the Podcast Coach
  5. Podcast Review Show
  6. The Podcasters’ Studio
  7. Podcasters’ Roundtable
  8. Podcast Talent Coach
  9. The Podcast Report
  10. The Podcast Producers

There are many other podcasts and blogs about podcasting, and you can find a great list at, which is a resource put together by Daniel J. Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast.

iTunes Reviews

Every week, I get all of my iTunes reviews from around the world sent to my inbox via (another awesome service from Daniel J. Lewis). If you were to manually check on these, you would need to go through a long process of check each country’s store in iTunes.

WordPress Plugins

  • Blubrry Powerpress
  • Pretty Link Lite
  • Social Subscribe and Follow

E-mail Newsletters

  • Hot Pod
  • Pod to Pod

Podcaster’s Library

Phillip Swindall (Show Notes Guy) created a library of resources for podcasters. This library includes tons of information on the following aspects of podcasting to prepare you to launch, or even to re-launch your podcast to a more successful future:

  • WordPress
  • Podcasting
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Marketing, and
  • Mobile Marketing

For a limited time, you may be able to get this great resource for $49 (normally $299).

Podcast Production Services

As I’ve mentioned before, I am helping podcasters to take their podcasts to the next level and recover their time. I started doing this in February 2015 through If you use the discount code “CSA”, you can receive 20% off the first month of whichever package you choose. Plus, the first episode is always free.

One of my clients, Scott Barlow, created this video, sharing his comments about us working together.