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Back in December, I first set goals for 2013. I’ve shared some updates for the first couple months, but dropped the ball since March. In this episode, I review over these goals, where I am, and what I’m going to be working on.

First, in light of Memorial Day, I’d like to thank all those that have served or are still serving in our military.

Here is my Goals for 2013 – Original List and the 3 Focus Words for 2013.

You can follow the trail of my goals as I track my progress as well.

I’d like your feedback on future show topics and people to interview. Here’s just a couple that I’m working on:

  • Social Media (with Erik J. Fisher of the Beyond the To Do List podcast)
  • Exercise (with Mark Sieverkropp)
  • Blogging/Podcasting
  • Your ideas….

Questions: How are your 2013 goals coming? Do you have any topics or suggestions for the show?