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E-book: Project Victory

A while back, I made a short e-book available for those who subscribed to my blog. The title is “Looking Unto Jesus: Being Victorious in Life’s Trials.” Read my previous post on this here.

I have decided to make it available to everyone. One reason is because I would like some feedback. It is just a short e-book, but I would like to expand it more. If you have any feedback about it, please add your comments below.

Part 1 (“The trials will come,” “There will be an end,” and “Act, don’t react)

Part 2 (“Prepare in prayer,” “Re-enforce by reading,” and “Fuel by fellowship”).

Part 3 (“Courage through counsel,” “Don’t look at your circumstances,” “Don’t hold men too high,” “Look unto Jesus”)

Click the links below:

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