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Yea! One month down – eleven to go!

Here is a list of the ongoing goals and the goals for January. I have included a short description to show my progress at the end of this month. I’m planning on posting this each month to show how I’m progressing on my goals.

Ongoing Goals

1) Read through Bible this year

I’ve read 1st and 2nd Samuel. This is 55 chapters – 11 chapters short of where I should be (3 chapters a day is needed). I’ll be working on making up the difference by the end of February and solidify the habit each day.

2) Start and keep a prayer journal

I have a small binder started with a simple prayer list. I have a Bible class I teach with 19 students. They are on the list, as well as a “mastermind” group (thirteen of us). I have also added the subscribers of this blog (if I don’t have your name, I use the e-mail address). I’ll be adding needs and special requests as I go. If you have a prayer request, just contact me and let me know.

3) Participate regularly in the visitation program

I have started visiting for our church on Saturdays.

4) Exercise at least 3 times a week

I’ve started a simple program using my treadmill, sit-ups, pull-ups, and push-ups. It’s a small amount for now, but I’m just trying to establish a habit. I’ll be increasing the time/intensity as I go.

5) Stop drinking pop, except for special occasions

Still working on this… (sipping Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry as I write this…)

6) Learn and adapt better eating habits

Doing pretty good. Just easing into it. I still splurge with a sweet here and there…

7) Regularly post 3 times a week on blog

Making improvements here. Shortly, one post a week should be a podcast episode. (Take this survey to help me!)

8) Make $100,000/ year household salary by end of the year

This is a goal for after transitioning to my new business.

January Goals

1) Get below 230 pounds

Started at 252, down to 236. A little shy of my goal, so I’ll have to step it up in February.

2) Read 1.7 books (20 for the year)

Done with 2 books. Started 2 others (The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?
by Seth Godin and The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell)

3) Have 275 Twitter followers

Started at 225, now at 278.

4) Finish business plans for web design business

Registered my business, Dev By JR, as an LLC this week. Getting a business bank account set up. Got contract with a 25% down payment. A few other things in my plans still need to be finished, but should have them done soon. My official launch date is March 1.

5) Work on Gradebook Flex

6) Invite another family over

7) Add $2,000 to emergency fund

Set it at $12,000 by June; this was very aggressive. Should be easier as I get my business going.

8) 2 family outings

We went to the zoo as a family one Saturday, as well as other family time events. My wife is in nursing school, so her schedule will make it difficult, but we will be trying to work in family time as much as we can.

Question: How are your goals coming for this year?