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Meet John. He’s not average.

Yesterday, I stopped at a gas station on my way to work. I was standing in one line, and overheard John talking woth the other cashier and a boy (maybe 12-15).

I didn’t hear what the boy did, but he did some good deed. I’m pretty sure he turned in a wallet, because I heard John say that he turned “it” in without even looking inside of it.

That observation was a little above average. Most of us wouldn’t have paid much attention to something like that. After all, it was just the right thing to do.

But John didn’t stop there.

He went on to praise the boy several times, both directly and indirectly to the cashier. He made sure that thw boy knew that kind of action was correct.

But John still didn’t stop there.

He offered to buy the boy a drink, candy, or something. The boy refused at first, but accepted some candy.

After witnessing this, I approached John at his vehicle. I didn’t have time to ask for more details, but I gave him thanks for his words and actions.

All of this took place in less than three minutes. It was a simple gesture to praise the boy. It was inexpensive to buy a candy bar.

By the way, all that the boy needed at the gas station was to break his dollar bill. Because of his good deed and the response from John, he got a lot more than a few quarters. Who knows what kind of impact that will have on that kid and his future decisions!

Question: What will you do to be above average and inpact soneone’s life?