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This Friday (June 28, 2013), I have the opportunity to interview the awesome Jon Acuff. He works as a speak on Dave Ramsey’s team and has written several books, including Quitter and Start. (highly recommend both!) I was able to meet him at the EntreLeadership event in Oklahoma City back in April.

I have shared several things about my journey toward doing work I love. I was able to interview Dan Miller on episode #011. Dan shares and promotes a 48-day plan to find or create work you love. It involves a very focused process of identifying your skills and abilities, your passions, and how you can present yourself for making money with them.

Jon Acuff shares a different approach, yet it still requires a great deal of intentionality and focus. The first chapter of Quitter says, “Don’t quit your day job.” This may seem to be a strange emphasis with such a title to the book, but he makes a great point. He emphasizes that you can work toward your dream job while working your day job. Yes, it will take focus. Yes, it will take sacrifice. No, it won’t be easy. But, yes, it will be worth it.

In his book, Start., he goes through the stages of life – on the road to awesome. We go through Learning, Editing, Mastering, Harvesting, and Mentoring. He shares that this used to be more based on age, but now age is irrelevant. You may find yourself having to start over later in life, or you may be able to “work ahead” while you are still young.

I’ll be talking with Jon about these books and the ideas in them. I don’t just want to have him summarize the books, but to share some things that can really help you.

Do you have any questions for Jon Acuff?