In the last session, we talked about different podcast formats. Several of these involve more than yourself, and you need to learn how to work with these podcast guests. Whether the other person (or people) is a regular co-host or an interview guest, there are some great practices that will help the relationship grow and move the podcast forward better.

David Hooper from the RED Podcast (Real Entrepreneur Development) also joins us today and talks about his experience with podcasting, radio, and the music industry. He shares a lot of great stories and advice.

Portrait of an university student recording audio

I’ve been podcasting for over 2 years and have done several different show formats. For one podcast, I had a regular co-host with some other guests from time to time. On this podcast and my other podcast, I periodically have interviews with people. Here’s are 10 tips I’ve learned:

  1. Don’t cold call. Have meaningful interaction before you ask.
  2. Make easy for the other person to schedule the interview.
  3. Make it clear on how the interview will take place (phone, Skype, etc.).
  4. Make sure you have the timezone right!
  5. Send a reminder before the interview time.
  6. Make sure you’re ready when it’s time to start.
  7. Start with a little light conversation to ease the guest into the recording process.
  8. Give the guest a quick overview of what to expect.
  9. Be mindful of the time. Confirm the guest’s time availability.
  10. Follow-up with the guest afterwards.

Oklahoma Business Podcasting Summit
April 25

David Hooper:

  • Working with guests and co-hosts
  • Solo shows
  • Scripting a show
  • Dealing with negative feedback
  • Tip: Just jump in


If you’re interested in getting help with your podcast, check out and see how I can help you!