brianhullWe’ve been looking at blogging and writing as our primary focus, but we are going to switch gears for this week.

We all have unique skills. Each one is different, and we can learn to use them in different ways. Blogging is one way, but there are many other ways we can create content using these skills.

I have Brian Hull with us, who uses his unique skillsĀ in very creative ways. He has started to use his skills on his Youtube channel and working on doing voice acting.

I first learned about Brian because of his viral rendition of “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen.

Here’s a preview of what we’ll look at for the rest of this semester:

  • Session 10 – Networking with Mark Sieverkropp
  • Session 11 – Marketing your blog through e-mail and social media
  • Session 12 – Monetizing strategies for your blogging efforts
  • Session 13 – SEO and Google analytics

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!