We all have an inner-editor that can help us improve the quality and flow of our writing. But, there is tremendous value in having someone else take some time to edit your work.

Today, Jim Woods joins us to talk about editing, and his experience on both sides of the process. You can check out his website, connect with him on Twitter, or join his Facebook group, Writers Unite.


Five incredibly simple ways to help writers show and not tell

Bury the “I”

Common words/phrases in Scrivener

An example of an edited blog post

Jim Woods edited a blog post I did (“What’s the ideal post length“), and I show you the before and after of this process in this PDF:

Editing a Blog Post Example

Quotes from the conversation

[Tweet “It’s amazing how much extra #perspective can really help. – @jimwoodswrites”]

[Tweet “Most #writers are intimidated by the process of #editing. – @jimwoodswrites”]

[Tweet “A good #editor has the best final piece in mind. – @jimwoodswrites”]

[Tweet “You have to put out your best product. – @jimwoodswrites”]

[Tweet “What’s logical for you may not be logical for your ideal reader. – @jimwoodswrites #editing”]

[Tweet “Sometimes we hit the publish button too quickly. – jimwoodswrites #editing”]