Dave Stachowiak, host of the Coaching for Leaders podcast, is in the Academy today to share some insight about online leadership principles. He will discuss some of the principles from that book today.

Dave Stachowiak shares some online leadership principles (1-16)

What is your definition of leadership?

  • Leadership: Where are you going? Looking at the strategy.
  • Management: How are you getting there?

Why do you love How to Win Friends and Influence People?

It’s so accessible. Anyone can open it, turn to any page, and get something from it.

It has the amazing ability to challenge me, even after reading several times.

What is an example of how one of those principles challenges you?

Enthusiasm is the little secret of success.

Become genuinely interested in other people.

If we want to be effective as content creators, we need to be interested in other people and what they care about. If the content doesn’t speak to that person’s needs, they won’t read it or come back.

Sometimes, what we think they need is different from what they actually need.

Be a good listener. Let others talk about themselves.

Two mistakes we make:

  1. Not thinking through who your audience is going to be beforehand.
  2. Not listening to your community as it grows.

Know who your audience is.

We need to get past the point of just having a “nice article,” and give them a tool or resource that is of real value and is life-changing, that is of tremendous value to our audience.

Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.

While you are reaching a broader audience online, it is still a one-on-one interaction.

“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” – Andy Stanley

What are some of the other principles that you think are pertinent?

  • Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  • Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.

Dave’s wife, Bonnie, is a University professor and has started a podcast, Teaching in Higher Ed. While it is specifically for those that are teaching on a college/university level, she shares a lot of great principles that translate to content creation.

Get your copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People on Amazon (affiliate link)!

Next session, Erik J. Fisher and Jim Woods join us to talk about the process they went through writing their latest book, Hit the Mark! This interview doesn’t cover the concepts from the book (energy, time, and focus), but you can listen to the other interview I had with them on Quality Living Made Simple. I would also highly recommend this book (get it on Amazon).