Doc Kennedy is a  filmmaker and fellow podcaster. He’s loved film since he was a kid and was always enthralled with motion picture. He got started with video a few years ago through his church. In two years, he went from knowing almost nothing to being one of the directors. You can connect with him on his website and on Twitter.

Doc Kennedy shares his experience creating videos

What does someone need for just getting started with video?

  • Identify what you want to do
  • Figure out if you need to hire someone or if you can do it yourself
  • If you do it yourself, don’t get so obsessed with equipment that you forget about the story you’re wanting to tell.
  • Doc likes to use Canon products (he has a Canon 60D). It does video and still pictures.
  • Look for higher megapixels (18+)
  • You can use your iPhone. There are competitions that solely use iPhone. If you turn the iPhone sideways, it shoots in 1080 HD.

[Tweet “Don’t get so obsessed with equipment that you forget about the story you’re wanting to tell.”]

What about editing?

  • Remember that there comes a point that good enough is good enough.
  • Doc uses Adobe products. They have a cloud version where you can have access to the entire Adobe suite.
  • iMovie could be used on a Mac.
  • You could also shoot the video yourself and then hire someone to do the editing for you.

[Tweet “The difference between pros and amateurs comes down to lighting and audio quality.”]

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